The club house can be found behind St John's Church at the corner of Parvis Road and Camphill Road. There is a car park within the Club Address: West Byfleet Bowls Club Ltd The Clubhouse Camphill Road West Byfleet KT14 6EH 01932 346474 (answerphone in place) THE CLUB PHONE IS NOT IN USE AS THE CLUB HOUSE IS BEING REFURBISHED. or email us at :West Byfleet Bowls Club (click link) or IN AN EMERGENCY PLEASE CONTACT: 07946 301413 (Chairman) 07867 892814 (Secretary) OFFICER'S Club Captain: Ray Mitchell 07485 253127 Vice Captain: Shirley Moody 07812346664 Ladies Captain: Linda Hurry 01932 347773: Mob 07749980562 Ladies Vice Captain: Kathy Kelly 01932 882806: Mob 07905830395 Men's Captain: Alan Endersby 01932 342287 Men's Vice Captain: John Tiller 01932 350471 Fixture Secretary: Lin Atkin 01932 345944
If you would like to join and are unsure whether bowls is for you please contact us and we will arrange a taster session. We also have a club night on Monday evenings (weather permitting) starting at 17.00 All equipment will be provided just wear flat shoes please. The club house can be found behind St John's Church at the corner of Parvis Road and Camphill Road. There is a car park within the Club.