West Byfleet Bowls Club Ltd News story


26 Feb 2024

 Dear WBBC Members

Background:  The cleaner, which has cleaned the club for many years, has now stepped down. 

It was suggested at the AGM that the members could form a rota to clean the club.  A vote was taken and
by a show of hands it was decided that there might be enough members to do this.

Cleaning requirements would be to:

  1. Clean the main club area.
  2. The Ladies and Gents Loos.
  3. Clean and hoover both changing rooms.
  4. Take any rubbish home, to dispose of, from all the waste bins.

All cleaning products will be at the club and a new Hoover will be purchased.

The Bar and Kitchen area are no included. 

The reason for this email is to get a list of members who would like to volunteer to share this task.  If we have
enough people, then it should be only once/twice during the season.  Ideally it would be a 2-person task for safety
and should only take an hour to do.

Difficult to know when its best to clean the club but before club games and not on a Monday.  Wednesday
and Friday morning would be ideal days for a single person as the green maintenance would be conducted and
there would be another person at the club. 

Please reply to Shirley  Shirley.moody@ntlworld.com if you can help.