West Byfleet Bowls Club Ltd News pages

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03 Jun 2024

Dear Members URGENT HELP REQUIRED FOR MAINTAINING THE CLUB HOUSE, GREEN AND GROUNDS There are many jobs that need to be carried out to keep the Club well maintained.  Brian and his small team need help with everything from mowing the grass around the... [ Read more ]

29 Apr 2024
Winners of the 100 Club - click here to find out

WBBC 100 Club Draw April 2024 1st Prize Lee Clarke £31.00, 2nd Prize Shirley Moody£15.00, May 2024  1st Prize Jane McKay-Colvin £31,00) 2nd Prize Bobbie Pothecary £15.00 3rd Prize Mary King £12.00 June 2024 1st Prize £31.00 - Doreen Charlton 2nd Priz... [ Read more ]